This is an accessibility checklist that we use when building new features. It helps us improve the experience for everyone who uses our products and ensures our high standards are met.
You can run automated tests by running “pnpm test” in the root of the project. Please note this runs Axe too.
Download and install Axe Chrome extension to check off this item.
Download and install NVDA for Windows to check off this item.
Download and install Jaws for Windows to check off this item.
macOS ships with VoiceOver which can be enabled through preferences.
Android ships with TalkBack which can be enabled by following these instructions.
High contrast mode uses a limited color palette with contrasting colors to make an interface easier to use.
Follow these instructions to change the default text size in Chrome.
Most browsers allow you to zoom in or out using Cmd and +/- keys.
Accessible writing ensures your content is understandable for everyone to read. Use Readability Analyzer set to '8th grade level' to check your writing.
Avoid terms like “click here” and “read more” which do not provide any context for the user.
The h1 element should be used to communicate the high-level purpose of the page or view.
The order of heading elements should descend, based on the depth of the content.
If heading levels need to be skipped for a specific visual style, use CSS classes instead.
This may also include sections of related content and items displayed in a grid layout.
A skip link is used to provide direct access to the main content of a page or view.
People with low vision require increased space between lines to be able to read text.
Valid HTML helps to provide a consistent, expected experience across all browsers.
This helps assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to pronounce content correctly.
This helps people using assistive technologies to understand what view they are going to start navigating.
Landmarks help communicate the layout, and allow direct access to these regions.
Elements that are inherently focusable don’t require a tabindex.
Autofocus HTML attribute should be avoided. Focus into fields programmatically instead where necessary.
The title attribute has multiple issues and should not be used.
Links should always have a href attribute, even in SPAs. Without this, the link won’t be properly recognized.
Users of assistive technology expect a button to do an action. If you need to navigate into another view, use a link.
Do you need to display data in rows and columns? Use table element.
Correct use of table headers helps users of assistive technology to understand your data.
A caption should describe what kind of information the table contains.
Provet Visually Hidden provides wider support for assistive technology and different locales.
Some people cannot use a mouse, so it’s important that the interface can be navigated with a keyboard.
Can a person navigating with a keyboard, switch, voice control, or screen reader see where they currently are?
Can a person move around the page in a predictable way?
Remove any elements that are not presently meant to be discoverable.
Users of assistive technology expect a button to behave in a certain way.
As well as using the “close” button, it should be possible to close a dialog by pressing the Esc key.
alt attributes help explain images to people who may not be able to view them.
Describe all visible information in text format as well. This includes graph axes, data points and labels.
Decorative images don’t communicate information that is required to understand the interface’s overall meaning.
If you are using embedded SVGs, always set role="img" and give the element a label.
Use a for/id pairing to guarantee the highest level of browser support.
Use fieldset to group sections of related inputs, and legend to provide a label for the section.
Supporting autocomplete allows users to utilise existing text entry features on their device, minimising friction when filling in forms.
This allows users to clearly understand the difference between the input and the error.
Color contrast
Level AA compliance requires a contrast ratio of 4.5:1.
Level AA compliance requires a contrast ratio of 3:1.
If you are not suffering from a color vision deficiency, it’s hard to imagine what it looks like to be colorblind.
This makes it impossible for people who are visually impaired, or who struggle to distinguish colors, to access information.
Does the interface allow both landscape and portrait orientations?
Make sure the interface stays usable even on the smallest viewports.
Requiring users to scroll horizontally can be difficult for some people.
Ensure that touch target sizes are large enough for users to activate them.
Some users need to increase the size of content so that they can read it. Do not stop them from doing this.