
Badges are used to inform users of the status of an object or of an action that’s been taken. Commonly used in tabular data to indicate status.

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<provet-stack gap="s">
  <provet-badge variant="danger">Danger</provet-badge>
  <provet-badge variant="warning">Warning</provet-badge>
  <provet-badge variant="success">Success</provet-badge>
  <provet-badge variant="info">Info</provet-badge>
  <provet-badge variant="highlight">Highlight</provet-badge>



The type of badge. Determines the background color of the badge.

"warning" | "success" | "danger" | "highlight" | "info" | "neutral" | "progress" | undefined"neutral"

The style variant of the badge. Determines the background color of the badge.

"warning" | "success" | "danger" | "highlight" | "neutral" | "info" | undefined"neutral"

Strong badges are a secondary style for badges. They provide more visual prominence and emphasize them.



Slot nameDescription
Default slot

The badge content.


Used to place an icon at the start of badge.


This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.


  • Use established variants and color patterns so that users can clearly identify the importance level.
  • Use to show a status update on a piece of information or action.
  • Use to mark something as a “draft” or “new”.
  • Use when you want to highlight something that has been added recently.
  • Always position badge so that it’s easy to understand what object it’s related to.


  • Don’t make badges clickable. Instead use button component’s small variant.
  • Don’t use alternatives to existing badge variants.
  • Don't use badges for labeling, categorizing, or organizing objects. Use the tag component instead.

Content guidelines

Badge labels should use a single word to describe the status of an object. Only use two words if you need to describe a complex state:

Action completed

When writing badge labels, always write them in sentence case, not title case. The first word should be capitalized and the rest lowercase (unless a proper noun):

Partially refunded
Partially Refunded

Avoid unnecessary words and articles in badge labels, such as “is”, “the”, “an” or “a”:

Item is pending

Always describe the status in the past tense:



This section describes the different component variants, their purpose, and when to use each variant.

neutralThe default style variant.
infoUsed to convey general information that isn’t critical.
successUsed to convey success states. For example, you might want to show a badge that tells the user a payment was successful.
highlightUsed to highlight specific items in the interface, like notifications.
dangerUsed to communicate problems that have to be resolved so that user can continue forward. Should always be used for highlighting errors.
warningUsed to display information that needs a user’s attention attention and may require further steps.
progressUsed to convey something that’s in progress.


For integration guidelines, please see Web Components documentation. This documentation explains how to implement and use Provet Cloud Web Components across different technologies such as Vue or Vanilla JavaScript.

Integration Guidelines


If you experience any issues while using Provet Cloud Web Components, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and ways to contact us.

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