Dropdown GroupReady

Dropdown group includes all the actions or items in a single dropdown group and is used for grouping items into related categories.

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  <provet-dropdown-item>Show keyboard shortcuts</provet-dropdown-item>
  <provet-dropdown-item>Help & Support</provet-dropdown-item>



Heading and accessible label for the dropdown group.

string | undefinedundefined


Slot nameDescription
Default slot

The dropdown group content.


This section includes guidelines for designers and developers about the usage of this component in different contexts.


  • Group dropdown items into dropdown groups based on related categories.
  • Use group headings to clarify the category of a section.


  • Don’t use for grouping other types of content.

Content guidelines

Dropdown items should be always written in sentence case, not title case. The first word should be capitalized and the rest lowercase (unless a proper noun):

Create user
Create User

Dropdown items should always lead with a strong verb that encourages action. Use the {verb}+{noun} format except in the case of common actions like Save, Close or Cancel:

Edit row
Editing options

Avoid unnecessary words and articles in dropdown items, such as “the”, “an” or “a”:

Change theme
Change the theme

Avoid ending dropdown items in punctuation:

Switch user
Switch user.

Avoid all caps for dropdown items:


Keep dropdown items to a single line of text:

Change theme
Change the theme
of the veterinary application.


For integration guidelines, please see Web Components documentation. This documentation explains how to implement and use Provet Cloud Web Components across different technologies such as Vue or Vanilla JavaScript.

Integration Guidelines


If you experience any issues while using Provet Cloud Web Components, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and ways to contact us.

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