Icons are used to provide additional meaning or in places where text label doesn’t fit. Icon component allows you to display an icon from the Nordicons library.
<provet-stackdirection="horizontal"align-items="center"><provet-iconname="navigation-search"size="l"></provet-icon><provet-iconname="interface-checked"size="l"></provet-icon></provet-stack><scripttype="module">import searchIcon,{ title }from"/node_modules/@nordhealth/icons/lib/assets/navigation-search.js"import*as checkedIcon from"/node_modules/@nordhealth/icons/lib/assets/interface-checked.js" customElements.whenDefined("provet-icon").then(()=>{const Icon = customElements.get("provet-icon")// register name and icon separately Icon.registerIcon(title, searchIcon)// or, register name and icon at once Icon.registerIcon(checkedIcon)})</script>
The name of the icon to display, as defined by nordicons.
Register a custom icon resolver, which accepts the icon name as an parameter, and returns an SVG string. Can return a string synchronously, or a promise of a string. By default, will load icons from the Nord CDN.
icon: An object representing the icon to be registered, where "title" is the icon's name, and "default" is the SVG string. This is intended to be used in cases where you import an icon's entire ES module and register it directly.
Register an individual icon so it can be rendered synchronously, to avoid loading over the network.
iconOrName: The name of the icon to be registered or an object representing the icon to be registered, where "title" is the icon's name, and "default" is the SVG string. icon: The SVG string for the icon.
Register an individual icon so it can be rendered synchronously, to avoid loading over the network.
Icon components are hidden from assistive technologies by default.
Use label property to give an accessible label for the icon and to make it visible to assistive technologies.
For integration guidelines, please see Web Components documentation. This documentation explains how to implement and use Provet Cloud Web Components across different technologies such as Vue or Vanilla JavaScript.
Integration Guidelines
If you experience any issues while using Provet Cloud Web Components, please head over to the Support page for more guidelines and ways to contact us.