Accordions allow users to expand and collapse sections of content, facilitating efficient information organization.
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<template><BaseAccordionheader="I am an accordion"><pclass="n-padding-b-s"> Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla provident aliquid corporis tempora eius quam, quae vel molestias esse maxime aperiam totam suscipit. Nobis consectetur optio reprehenderit animi? Suscipit, quibusdam?</p></BaseAccordion></template>
<scriptsetuplang="ts">const isCollapsed =ref(false)const isDisabled =ref(false)</script><template><div><divslot="header-end"class="n-stack-horizontal n-margin-bs-s n-margin-be-l"><provet-buttontype="button"size="s":disabled="isDisabled"@click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed"> {{ isCollapsed ? 'Expand' : 'Collapse' }}</provet-button><provet-buttontype="button"size="s"@click="isDisabled = !isDisabled"> {{ isDisabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disable' }}</provet-button></div><BaseAccordionv-model:collapsed="isCollapsed"header-gap="l":disabled="isDisabled"><template#header><spanclass="n-font-weight-heading">Some title</span></template><template#header-description><spanclass="n-color-text-weaker n-font-weight"> Some description</span></template><divclass="n-padding-b-s"> It is also possible to add header actions. There will be plenty of cases where we'll use a<provet-tagsize="s">BaseAccordion</provet-tag> to wrap forms, in such scenarios both the <b>Submit/Save</b> and <b>Cancel</b> buttons can be placed under the card's <i>header-end</i> slot.<dl><dt> Additionally, the component expose useful methods to collapse, expand and/or toggle the card's state. The methods names are:</dt><dd><ul><li><pre>collapse</pre></li><li><pre>expand</pre></li><li><pre>toggleAccordion</pre></li></ul></dd></dl></div></BaseAccordion></div></template>
<template><BaseAccordionheader="With disabled"disabled><pclass="n-padding-b-s"> The toggle to expand/collapse the card can also be disabled by using the<i>disabled</i> prop. This becomes handy in cases you want to ensure the content of the card is visible, such as an <b>inline edit</b> form is loaded and while the form is not submitted, you need the card to remain expanded so the content is visible.</p></BaseAccordion></template>
<template><BaseAccordionheader="With collapsed initial state"collapsed><divclass="n-padding-b-s"> The <provet-tagsize="s">BaseAccordion</provet-tag> component has two main states:<dl><dtclass="n-font-weight-heading">Expanded</dt><dd><ul><li>This is the default state of the component.</li><li> The card content is fully visible and accessible to the user.</li></ul></dd><dtclass="n-font-weight-heading">Collapsed</dt><dd><ul><li> To render the card in a collapsed state, you can use the<i>collapsed</i> prop.</li><li> When collapsed, the card content is hidden, and only the header or title is visible.</li><li> This can be useful for conserving space or creating an accordion-style layout.</li></ul></dd></dl></div></BaseAccordion></template>
Use accordions to manage lengthy content: Implement accordions to organize extensive information, such as FAQs or detailed guides, allowing users to access specific sections without being overwhelmed by the full content.
Employ accordions for step-by-step processes: Utilize accordions to guide users through sequential tasks, presenting each step individually to maintain focus and reduce cognitive load.
Apply accordions when space is limited: In scenarios with constrained space, such as mobile interfaces, use accordions to present content compactly, enabling users to navigate information efficiently.
Avoid overcomplicating content areas: Refrain from adding non-essential links, buttons, or additional subsections inside the accordion content, as this can make the interface complicated and challenging to navigate.
Don't neglect hover states: Ensure that interactive elements within the accordion have clear hover states to communicate interactivity effectively.
Avoid inconsistent behavior: Ensure that the accordion's expand/collapse behavior is predictable and consistent to prevent user confusion.
This product pattern is currently only available to use in the New Frontend for Provet Cloud (using Vue & Nuxt).
If you experience any issues while using this pattern, please ask for support in the #vet-frontend Slack channel.