Card collapsible is designed to organize related content in a space-efficient way. It allows users to expand or collapse sections.
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<template><CardCollapsibletitle="I am a collapsible card"> Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla provident aliquid corporis tempora eius quam, quae vel molestias esse maxime aperiam totam suscipit. Nobis consectetur optio reprehenderit animi? Suscipit, quibusdam?</CardCollapsible></template>
<template><CardCollapsibletitle="With disabled toggle"disabled> The toggle to expand/collapse the card can also be disabled by using the<i>disabled</i> prop. This becomeshandy in cases you want to ensure the content of the card is visible, such as an <b>inline edit</b> form is loaded and while the form is not submitted, you need the card to remain expanded so the content is visible.</CardCollapsible></template>
<scriptsetuplang="ts">import CardCollapsible from'@/components/CardCollapsible.vue'const cardCollapsibleElement = useTemplateRef<InstanceType<typeof CardCollapsible>>('cardCollapsibleRef')const isCardWithActionsCollapsed =ref(false)const hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle =ref(false)</script><template><CardCollapsibleref="cardCollapsibleRef"title="With header actions":disabled="hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle"@card:collapse="isCardWithActionsCollapsed = true"@card:expand="isCardWithActionsCollapsed = false"@card:toggle-state="isCardWithActionsCollapsed = $event"><template#header-end><provet-buttontype="button"size="s":disabled="hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle"@click="cardCollapsibleElement?.toggleCard"> Toggle state</provet-button><provet-buttontype="button"size="s"@click=" hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle = !hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle"> {{ !hasCardWithActionsDisabledToggle ? 'Disable toggle' : 'Enable toggle' }}</provet-button></template> It is also possible to add header actions. There will be plenty of cases where we'll use a <provet-tagsize="s">CardCollapsible</provet-tag> to wrap forms, in such scenarios both the <b>Submit/Save</b> and<b>Cancel</b> buttons can be placed under the card's <i>header-end</i> slot.<dl><dt> Additionally, the component expose useful methods to collapse, expand and/or toggle the card's state. The methods names are:</dt><dd><ul><li><pre>collapse</pre></li><li><pre>expand</pre></li><li><pre>toggleCard</pre></li></ul></dd></dl></CardCollapsible></template>
<template><CardCollapsibletitle="With collapsed initial state"collapsed> The <provet-tagsize="s">CardCollapsible</provet-tag> component has two main states:<dl><dtclass="n-font-weight-heading">Expanded</dt><dd><ul><li>This is the default state of the component.</li><li>The card content is fully visible and accessible to the user.</li></ul></dd><dtclass="n-font-weight-heading">Collapsed</dt><dd><ul><li> To render the card in a collapsed state, you can use the<i>collapsed</i> prop.</li><li> When collapsed, the card content is hidden, and only the header or title is visible.</li><li> This can be useful for conserving space or creating an accordion-style layout.</li></ul></dd></dl></CardCollapsible></template>
<template><CardCollapsibletitle="With padding value"padding="m"><provet-stack><p> The <provet-tagsize="s">CardCollapsible</provet-tag> component extends the Provet Cloud Design System<ahref=""target="_blank"> Card</a> component, which means you get all of the <i>properties</i>,<i>slots</i>, <i>CSS properties</i> and their default values.</p><p> Now, in most cases this component will have a padding different than the default value <i>("m")</i> set in the<provet-tagsize="s">provet-card</provet-tag>, the <i>padding</i> prop is initialized with the <provet-tagsize="s">"l"</provet-tag> overriding that value.</p></provet-stack></CardCollapsible></template>