Rich Text EditorDraft

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<script lang="ts" setup>
const value = ref(
  `<p>A <strong>veterinarian</strong> (<strong>vet</strong>) is a medical professional who practices veterinary medicine. They manage a wide range of health conditions and injuries in non-human animals. Along with this, veterinarians also play a role in animal reproduction, health management, conservation, husbandry and breeding and preventive medicine like nutrition, vaccination and parasitic control as well as biosecurity and zoonotic disease surveillance and prevention.</p>`,

  <RichTextEditorMinimal v-model="value" label="Label" />


This product pattern is currently only available to use in the New Frontend for Provet Cloud (using Vue & Nuxt).


If you experience any issues while using this pattern, please ask for support in the #vet-frontend Slack channel.

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